Near rhymes with Leaven

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 unleavened anlevuhn_d 2335 Definition
2 eleventh ilevuhn_th 2335 Definition
3 eleven ilevuhn 2335 Definition
4 unpleasant anp_lezuhn_t 2326 Definition
5 pleasant p_lezuhn_t 2326 Definition
6 pleasance p_lezuhn_s 2326 Definition
7 convalescence konvuhlesuhn_s 2315 Definition
8 convalescent konvuhlesuhn_t 2315 Definition
9 lessen lesuhn 2315 Definition
10 lesson lesuhn 2315 Definition
11 obsolescence obsuhlesuhn_s 2315 Definition
12 obsolescent obsuhlesuhn_t 2315 Definition
13 opalescent uh_uupuhlesuhn_t 2315 Definition
14 devon devuhn 2287 Definition
15 deafen defuhn 2278 Definition
16 omnipresent omnip_rezuhn_t 2278 Definition
17 presence p_rezuhn_s 2278 Definition
18 present p_rezuhn_t 2278 Definition
19 heaven hevuhn 2273 Definition
20 efflorescence efluhresuhn_s 2267 Definition
21 evanescent evuhnesuhn_t 2267 Definition
22 excrescence eks_k_resuhn_s 2267 Definition
23 expression eks_p_reshuhn 2267 Definition
24 fluorescence f_luuresuhn_s 2267 Definition
25 fluorescent f_luuresuhn_t 2267 Definition
26 freshen f_reshuhn 2267 Definition
27 impression imp_reshuhn 2267 Definition
28 incandescence inkuhndesuhn_s 2267 Definition
29 incandescent inkuhndesuhn_t 2267 Definition
30 discretion dis_k_reshuhn 2267 Definition
31 digression dah_ig_reshuhn 2267 Definition
32 antidepressant aantidip_resuhn_t 2267 Definition
33 arborescent arrbuhresuhn_t 2267 Definition
34 bioluminescence bah_iuh_uuluuminesuhn_s 2267 Definition
35 chemiluminescence kemiluumuhnesuhn_s 2267 Definition
36 compression kuhmp_reshuhn 2267 Definition
37 crescent k_resuhn_t 2267 Definition
38 decompression deekuhmp_reshuhn 2267 Definition
39 depressant dip_resuhn_t 2267 Definition
40 depression dip_reshuhn 2267 Definition
41 aggression uhg_reshuhn 2267 Definition
42 indiscretion indis_k_reshuhn 2267 Definition
43 recrudescence reek_ruudesuhn_s 2267 Definition
44 regression rig_reshuhn 2267 Definition
45 repossession reepuhzeshuhn 2267 Definition
46 repression rip_reshuhn 2267 Definition
47 retrogression ret_ruhg_reshuhn 2267 Definition
48 senescent suhnesuhn_t 2267 Definition
49 suppression sap_reshuhn 2267 Definition
50 thermoluminescence therrmuh_uuluuminesuhn_s 2267 Definition
51 transgression t_raan_zg_reshuhn 2267 Definition
52 progression p_ruhg_reshuhn 2267 Definition
53 preston p_res_tuhn 2267 Definition
54 prepossession p_reepuhzeshuhn 2267 Definition
55 inflorescence inf_luhresuhn_s 2267 Definition
56 iridescence iridesuhn_s 2267 Definition
57 iridescent iridesuhn_t 2267 Definition
58 luminescence luuminesuhn_s 2267 Definition
59 luminescent luuminesuhn_t 2267 Definition
60 oppression uhp_reshuhn 2267 Definition
61 phosphorescence fosfuhresuhn_s 2267 Definition
62 phosphorescent fosfuhresuhn_t 2267 Definition
63 possession puhzeshuhn 2267 Definition
64 bevan bevuhn 2266 Definition
65 seven sevuhn 2266 Definition
66 seventh sevuhn_th 2266 Definition
67 severn sevuhn 2266 Definition
68 pheasant fezuhn_t 2263 Definition
69 peasant pezuhn_t 2263 Definition
70 evan evuhn 2258 Definition
71 evans evuhn_z 2258 Definition
72 steffen s_tefuhn 2257 Definition
73 besant bezuhn_t 2257 Definition
74 adolescent aaduhlesuhn_t 2255 Definition
75 adolescence aaduhlesuhn_s 2255 Definition
76 confession kuhnfeshuhn 2253 Definition
77 profession p_ruhfeshuhn 2253 Definition
78 obsession obseshuhn 2246 Definition
79 intercession intuhrseshuhn 2246 Definition
80 incessant insesuhn_t 2246 Definition
81 effervescent efuhrvesuhn_t 2246 Definition
82 delicatessen delikuhtesuhn 2246 Definition
83 concession kuhnseshuhn 2246 Definition
84 cession seshuhn 2246 Definition
85 albescent aalbesuhn_t 2246 Definition
86 accession aakseshuhn 2246 Definition
87 precession p_riseshuhn 2246 Definition
88 procession p_ruhseshuhn 2246 Definition
89 tumescent t_yuumesuhn_t 2246 Definition
90 supersession suupuhrseshuhn 2246 Definition
91 succession suhkseshuhn 2246 Definition
92 sessions seshuhn_z 2246 Definition
93 session seshuhn 2246 Definition
94 secession siseshuhn 2246 Definition
95 recession riseshuhn 2246 Definition
96 quintessence k_wintesuhn_s 2246 Definition
97 pubescent p_yuubesuhn_t 2246 Definition
98 ethan ethuhn 2238 Definition
99 essence esuhn_s 2238 Definition
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