
Near rhymes with Omnipresent

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 depressant dip_resuhn_t 3594 Definition
2 antidepressant aantidip_resuhn_t 3594 Definition
3 luminescent luuminesuhn_t 3560 Definition
4 iridescent iridesuhn_t 3559 Definition
5 phosphorescent fosfuhresuhn_t 3540 Definition
6 repellent ripeluhn_t 3533 Definition
7 convalescent konvuhlesuhn_t 3532 Definition
8 deterrent diteruhn_t 3530 Definition
9 declarant dik_leruhn_t 3530 Definition
10 present p_rezuhn_t 3524 Definition
11 arborescent arrbuhresuhn_t 3520 Definition
12 crescent k_resuhn_t 3520 Definition
13 fluorescent f_luuresuhn_t 3520 Definition
14 discrepant dis_k_repuhn_t 3513 Definition
15 incessant insesuhn_t 3504 Definition
16 unpleasant anp_lezuhn_t 3502 Definition
17 pleasant p_lezuhn_t 3502 Definition
18 peasant pezuhn_t 3502 Definition
19 besant bezuhn_t 3499 Definition
20 pubescent p_yuubesuhn_t 3495 Definition
21 albescent aalbesuhn_t 3495 Definition
22 obsolescent obsuhlesuhn_t 3492 Definition
23 incandescent inkuhndesuhn_t 3491 Definition
24 evanescent evuhnesuhn_t 3472 Definition
25 opalescent uh_uupuhlesuhn_t 3472 Definition
26 senescent suhnesuhn_t 3472 Definition
27 renascent rinaasuhn_t 3467 Definition
28 dissentient disenshuhn_t 3463 Definition
29 pheasant fezuhn_t 3462 Definition
30 appellant uhpeluhn_t 3460 Definition
31 propellant p_ruhpeluhn_t 3460 Definition
32 acquiescent aakweeesuhn_t 3453 Definition
33 tumescent t_yuumesuhn_t 3451 Definition
34 effervescent efuhrvesuhn_t 3451 Definition
35 impatient impe_ishuhn_t 3425 Definition
36 lieutenant leftenuhn_t 3418 Definition
37 subtenant sabtenuhn_t 3418 Definition
38 tenant tenuhn_t 3418 Definition
39 interdependent intuhrdipenduhn_t 3413 Definition
40 adolescent aaduhlesuhn_t 3412 Definition
41 inclement ink_lemuhn_t 3410 Definition
42 errant eruhn_t 3405 Definition
43 abortifacient uhbawrtife_ishuhn_t 3401 Definition
44 grandparent g_raan_dperuhn_t 3400 Definition
45 trenchant t_renchuhn_t 3395 Definition
46 nascent naasuhn_t 3393 Definition
47 extant eks_tuhn_t 3392 Definition
48 intentioned intenshuhn_d 3391 Definition
49 quiescent k_weeesuhn_t 3390 Definition
50 superintendent suupuhrintenduhn_t 3390 Definition
51 resplendent ris_p_lenduhn_t 3385 Definition
52 independent indipenduhn_t 3385 Definition
53 dependent dipenduhn_t 3385 Definition
54 complaisant kuhmp_le_isuhn_t 3383 Definition
55 complacent kuhmp_le_isuhn_t 3383 Definition
56 apparent uhpaaruhn_t 3381 Definition
57 talent taaluhn_t 3378 Definition
58 coefficient kuh_uuifishuhn_t 3377 Definition
59 gallant gaaluhn_t 3374 Definition
60 patient pe_ishuhn_t 3373 Definition
61 penchant penchuhn_t 3372 Definition
62 unleavened anlevuhn_d 3372 Definition
63 dispersant dis_perrsuhn_t 3370 Definition
64 impassioned impaashuhn_d 3369 Definition
65 undertenant anduhrtenuhn_t 3362 Definition
66 intendant intenduhn_t 3362 Definition
67 clement k_lemuhn_t 3358 Definition
68 pedant peduhn_t 3357 Definition
69 pennant penuhn_t 3357 Definition
70 inpatient inpe_ishuhn_t 3355 Definition
71 indecent indeesuhn_t 3354 Definition
72 defendant difenduhn_t 3345 Definition
73 refreshment rif_reshmuhn_t 3345 Definition
74 adjacent uhje_isuhn_t 3343 Definition
75 subjacent sabje_isuhn_t 3343 Definition
76 complexioned kuhmp_lekshuhn_d 3342 Definition
77 descendent disenduhn_t 3338 Definition
78 descendant disenduhn_t 3338 Definition
79 pregnant p_regnuhn_t 3334 Definition
80 regnant regnuhn_t 3334 Definition
81 remnant remnuhn_t 3334 Definition
82 recent reesuhn_t 3330 Definition
83 reentrant rient_ruhn_t 3330 Definition
84 arrant aaruhn_t 3326 Definition
85 gerund jeruhn_d 3325 Definition
86 impressment imp_resmuhn_t 3325 Definition
87 repentant ripentuhn_t 3323 Definition
88 reminiscent reminisuhn_t 3322 Definition
89 trivalent t_rah_ive_iluhn_t 3320 Definition
90 rampant raampuhn_t 3316 Definition
91 lengthened lengthuhn_d 3316 Definition
92 accent aaksuhn_t 3313 Definition
93 absent aabsuhn_t 3313 Definition
94 outpatient ah_uutpe_ishuhn_t 3313 Definition
95 pendent penduhn_t 3312 Definition
96 pendant penduhn_t 3312 Definition
97 errand eruhn_d 3310 Definition
98 attendant uhtenduhn_t 3309 Definition
99 infrequent inf_reek_wuhn_t 3308 Definition
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