
Near rhymes with Farrand

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 gerund jeruhn_d 3415 Definition
2 errand eruhn_d 3400 Definition
3 arrant aaruhn_t 3384 Definition
4 transparent t_raan_spaaruhn_t 3381 Definition
5 apparent uhpaaruhn_t 3381 Definition
6 tarrant taaruhn_t 3360 Definition
7 happened haapuhn_d 3334 Definition
8 declarant dik_leruhn_t 3320 Definition
9 hammond haamuhn_d 3314 Definition
10 kalends kaaluhn_d_z 3310 Definition
11 calends kaaluhn_d_z 3310 Definition
12 errant eruhn_t 3305 Definition
13 impassioned impaashuhn_d 3289 Definition
14 deterrent diteruhn_t 3282 Definition
15 abandoned uhbaanduhn_d 3265 Definition
16 second sekuhn_d 3255 Definition
17 gallant gaaluhn_t 3254 Definition
18 headland hedluhn_d 3253 Definition
19 helmond helmuhn_d 3253 Definition
20 grandparent g_raan_dperuhn_t 3242 Definition
21 advancement aadvaan_smuhn_t 3236 Definition
22 threatened th_retuhn_d 3235 Definition
23 redmond redmuhn_d 3225 Definition
24 desmond dezmuhn_d 3225 Definition
25 talent taaluhn_t 3216 Definition
26 esmond ezmuhn_d 3210 Definition
27 edmund edmuhn_d 3210 Definition
28 edmonds edmuhn_d_z 3210 Definition
29 edmond edmuhn_d 3210 Definition
30 plangent p_laanjuhn_t 3209 Definition
31 legend lejuhn_d 3208 Definition
32 prebend p_rebuhn_d 3208 Definition
33 unleavened anlevuhn_d 3208 Definition
34 pheasant fezuhn_t 3206 Definition
35 highland hah_iluhn_d 3200 Definition
36 servant serr_vuhn_t 3197 Definition
37 surfactant suhrfaaktuhn_t 3197 Definition
38 microsecond mah_ik_ruhsekuhn_d 3195 Definition
39 millisecond milisekuhn_d 3195 Definition
40 nanosecond naanuh_uusekuhn_d 3195 Definition
41 hatchment haachmuhn_t 3194 Definition
42 renascent rinaasuhn_t 3192 Definition
43 nascent naasuhn_t 3192 Definition
44 shetland shetluhn_d 3190 Definition
45 intentioned intenshuhn_d 3187 Definition
46 tyrant tah_iruhn_t 3184 Definition
47 complexioned kuhmp_lekshuhn_d 3183 Definition
48 berglund berr_gluhn_d 3181 Definition
49 bertrand berrt_ruhn_d 3181 Definition
50 burdened berrduhn_d 3181 Definition
51 kirkland kerr_kluhn_d 3181 Definition
52 fragment f_raagmuhn_t 3177 Definition
53 omnipresent omnip_rezuhn_t 3175 Definition
54 pleasant p_lezuhn_t 3175 Definition
55 present p_rezuhn_t 3175 Definition
56 unpleasant anp_lezuhn_t 3175 Definition
57 stagnant s_taagnuhn_t 3174 Definition
58 patent paatuhn_t 3174 Definition
59 pageant paajuhn_t 3174 Definition
60 leland le_iluhn_d 3173 Definition
61 adherent uhdheeruhn_t 3172 Definition
62 coherent kuh_uuheeruhn_t 3172 Definition
63 incoherent inkuh_uuheeruhn_t 3172 Definition
64 inherent inheeruhn_t 3172 Definition
65 tangent taanjuhn_t 3171 Definition
66 enchantment enchaan_tmuhn_t 3171 Definition
67 commandment kuhmaan_dmuhn_t 3171 Definition
68 attractant uht_raaktuhn_t 3167 Definition
69 lengthened lengthuhn_d 3163 Definition
70 erland e_uhrluhn_d 3161 Definition
71 ireland ah_i_uhrluhn_d 3161 Definition
72 defendant difenduhn_t 3161 Definition
73 discrepant dis_k_repuhn_t 3160 Definition
74 island ah_iluhn_d 3158 Definition
75 ascendant uhsenduhn_t 3158 Definition
76 descendant disenduhn_t 3158 Definition
77 descendent disenduhn_t 3158 Definition
78 dissentient disenshuhn_t 3158 Definition
79 resplendent ris_p_lenduhn_t 3158 Definition
80 appellant uhpeluhn_t 3158 Definition
81 peasant pezuhn_t 3158 Definition
82 pedant peduhn_t 3158 Definition
83 pennant penuhn_t 3158 Definition
84 propellant p_ruhpeluhn_t 3158 Definition
85 repellent ripeluhn_t 3158 Definition
86 preferment p_riferrmuhn_t 3156 Definition
87 fervent ferrvuhn_t 3156 Definition
88 deferment diferrmuhn_t 3156 Definition
89 resentment rizen_tmuhn_t 3154 Definition
90 versant verrsuhn_t 3152 Definition
91 discernment diserr_nmuhn_t 3152 Definition
92 dispersant dis_perrsuhn_t 3152 Definition
93 divergent dah_iverrjuhn_t 3152 Definition
94 inadvertent inaadverrtuhn_t 3152 Definition
95 insurgent inserrjuhn_t 3152 Definition
96 resurgent riserrjuhn_t 3152 Definition
97 serpent serrpuhn_t 3152 Definition
98 verdant verrduhn_t 3152 Definition
99 conversant kuhnverrsuhn_t 3152 Definition
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