Near rhymes with Triage

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 dressage d_resarzh 1670 Definition
2 mirage mirarzh 1624 Definition
3 corsage kawrsarzh 1583 Definition
4 photomontage fuh_uutuh_uumontarzh 1583 Definition
5 montage montarzh 1583 Definition
6 barrage baararzh 1571 Definition
7 entourage arnturarzh 1538 Definition
8 enfleurage arnf_lerrarzh 1538 Definition
9 decoupage de_ikuuparzh 1538 Definition
10 plages p_larzh 1538 Definition
11 plage p_larzh 1538 Definition
12 frottage f_rotarzh 1538 Definition
13 effleurage efluhrarzh 1538 Definition
14 nagy narzh 1538 Definition
15 bocage bokarzh 1538 Definition
16 collage kuhlarzh 1538 Definition
17 fromage f_romarzh 1538 Definition
18 vichyssoise vishis_warz 1515 Definition
19 curettage k_yuretarzh 1460 Definition
20 suave s_warv 1443 Definition
21 gouache g_warsh 1443 Definition
22 yugoslav yuuguhs_larv 1443 Definition
23 vase varz 1443 Definition
24 persiflage perrsif_larzh 1438 Definition
25 rebuff reebaf 1418 Definition
26 garage gaararzh 1403 Definition
27 camouflage kaamuhf_larzh 1358 Definition
28 badinage baaduhnarzh 1358 Definition
29 lavage laavarzh 1358 Definition
30 fuselage f_yuuzuhlarzh 1358 Definition
31 sabotage saabuhtarzh 1358 Definition
32 counterespionage kah_uuntuhrespiuhnarzh 1358 Definition
33 massage maasarzh 1358 Definition
34 espionage espiuhnarzh 1358 Definition
35 metcalf metkarf 1352 Definition
36 eloise elwarz 1343 Definition
37 haaf harf 1337 Definition
38 coif k_warf 1337 Definition
39 haas hars 1337 Definition
40 midrash midrarsh 1331 Definition
41 patois paatwarz 1314 Definition
42 galois gaalwarz 1308 Definition
43 bourgeoise burzh_warz 1308 Definition
44 vladislav v_laadislarv 1308 Definition
45 veritas veritars 1306 Definition
46 caritas kaaritars 1306 Definition
47 disgust disgas_t 1269 Definition
48 pilaf pilarf 1250 Definition
49 antitrust aantit_ras_t 1227 Definition
50 discuss dis_kas 1224 Definition
51 distrust dist_ras_t 1214 Definition
52 hush hash 1207 Definition
53 thrush th_rash 1207 Definition
54 dove dav 1207 Definition
55 does daz 1207 Definition
56 above uhbav 1207 Definition
57 plush p_lash 1207 Definition
58 crush k_rash 1207 Definition
59 brushed b_rash_d 1207 Definition
60 rush rash 1207 Definition
61 coz kaz 1207 Definition
62 shove shav 1207 Definition
63 shush shash 1207 Definition
64 slush s_lash 1207 Definition
65 brush b_rash 1207 Definition
66 nuzzle naz_l 1207 Definition
67 blush b_lash 1207 Definition
68 abuzz uhbaz 1207 Definition
69 love lav 1207 Definition
70 loved lav_d 1207 Definition
71 lush lash 1207 Definition
72 guv gav 1207 Definition
73 gush gash 1207 Definition
74 glove g_lav 1207 Definition
75 fuzz faz 1207 Definition
76 mush mash 1207 Definition
77 flush f_lash 1207 Definition
78 buzz baz 1207 Definition
79 gemeinschaft guhmah_insharf_t 1202 Definition
80 encrust enk_ras_t 1201 Definition
81 mistrust mist_ras_t 1178 Definition
82 enough inaf 1172 Definition
83 unjust anjas_t 1146 Definition
84 us as 1146 Definition
85 nonplussed nonp_las_t 1146 Definition
86 entrust ent_ras_t 1146 Definition
87 combust kuhmbas_t 1146 Definition
88 inrush inrash 1117 Definition
89 riposte reepos_t 1101 Definition
90 tough taf 1101 Definition
91 trussed t_ras_t 1101 Definition
92 thrust th_ras_t 1101 Definition
93 tusk tas_k 1101 Definition
94 tuft taf_t 1101 Definition
95 tuff taf 1101 Definition
96 trust t_ras_t 1101 Definition
97 thus dhas 1101 Definition
98 truss t_ras 1101 Definition
99 yuh yah 1101 Definition
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B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

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