Near rhymes with Pulverise

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 pulverize palvuhrah_iz 2044 Definition
2 authorized awthuhrah_iz_d 1915 Definition
3 authorize awthuhrah_iz 1915 Definition
4 authorised awthuhrah_iz_d 1915 Definition
5 authorise awthuhrah_iz 1915 Definition
6 cauterize kawtuhrah_iz 1911 Definition
7 cauterise kawtuhrah_iz 1911 Definition
8 summarise samuhrah_iz 1909 Definition
9 summarize samuhrah_iz 1909 Definition
10 characterise kaariktuhrah_iz 1870 Definition
11 characterize kaariktuhrah_iz 1870 Definition
12 computerize kuhmp_yuutuhrah_iz 1870 Definition
13 computerized kuhmp_yuutuhrah_iz_d 1870 Definition
14 demilitarise deemilituhrah_iz 1870 Definition
15 demilitarize deemilituhrah_iz 1870 Definition
16 factorize faaktuhrah_iz 1870 Definition
17 interiorized inti_uhriuhrah_iz_d 1870 Definition
18 militarize milituhrah_iz 1870 Definition
19 parameterized puhraamituhrah_iz_d 1870 Definition
20 theorise theeuhrah_iz 1870 Definition
21 theorize theeuhrah_iz 1870 Definition
22 accessorize aaksesuhrah_iz 1855 Definition
23 glamorize g_laamuhrah_iz 1855 Definition
24 memorize memuhrah_iz 1855 Definition
25 pressurize p_reshuhrah_iz 1855 Definition
26 satirise saatuhrah_iz 1855 Definition
27 terrorize teruhrah_iz 1855 Definition
28 dimerize dah_imuhrah_iz 1850 Definition
29 depolarize deepuh_uuluhrah_iz 1834 Definition
30 polarize puh_uuluhrah_iz 1834 Definition
31 circularize serrk_yuhluhrah_iz 1833 Definition
32 circularise serrk_yuhluhrah_iz 1833 Definition
33 categorise kaatuhguhrah_iz 1829 Definition
34 categorize kaatuhguhrah_iz 1829 Definition
35 familiarise fuhmilyuhrah_iz 1829 Definition
36 familiarize fuhmilyuhrah_iz 1829 Definition
37 plagiarize p_le_ijuhrah_iz 1829 Definition
38 popularise popyuhluhrah_iz 1829 Definition
39 vaporize ve_ipuhrah_iz 1829 Definition
40 enterprise entuhrp_rah_iz 1825 Definition
41 colonize koluhnah_iz 1812 Definition
42 colonise koluhnah_iz 1812 Definition
43 cockatrice kokuht_rah_is 1799 Definition
44 galvanize gaalvuhnah_iz 1785 Definition
45 galvanise gaalvuhnah_iz 1785 Definition
46 carbonized karrbuhnah_iz_d 1775 Definition
47 carbonised karrbuhnah_iz_d 1775 Definition
48 immortalize imawrtuhlah_iz 1773 Definition
49 apprise uhp_rah_iz 1765 Definition
50 arise uhrah_iz 1765 Definition
51 normalize nawrmuhlah_iz 1763 Definition
52 normalise nawrmuhlah_iz 1763 Definition
53 formalize fawrmuhlah_iz 1760 Definition
54 formalise fawrmuhlah_iz 1760 Definition
55 overdrive uh_uuvuhrd_rah_iv 1758 Definition
56 surprised suhrp_rah_iz_d 1756 Definition
57 surprise suhrp_rah_iz 1756 Definition
58 harmonise harrmuhnah_iz 1753 Definition
59 harmonize harrmuhnah_iz 1753 Definition
60 apologize uhpoluhjah_iz 1750 Definition
61 apologise uhpoluhjah_iz 1750 Definition
62 psychologize sah_ikoluhjah_iz 1749 Definition
63 commercialise kuhmerrshuhlah_iz 1747 Definition
64 revolutionise revuhluushuhnah_iz 1747 Definition
65 revolutionize revuhluushuhnah_iz 1747 Definition
66 socialise suh_uushuhlah_iz 1747 Definition
67 socialize suh_uushuhlah_iz 1747 Definition
68 universalize yuuniverrsuhlah_iz 1747 Definition
69 demoralise deemoruhlah_iz 1741 Definition
70 demoralize deemoruhlah_iz 1741 Definition
71 moralize moruhlah_iz 1741 Definition
72 butterflies batuhrf_lah_iz 1741 Definition
73 customize kastuhmah_iz 1738 Definition
74 disorganize disawrguhnah_iz 1737 Definition
75 organize awrguhnah_iz 1737 Definition
76 organized awrguhnah_iz_d 1737 Definition
77 reorganise riawrguhnah_iz 1737 Definition
78 reorganize riawrguhnah_iz 1737 Definition
79 unorganized anawrguhnah_iz_d 1737 Definition
80 monopolise muhnopuhlah_iz 1737 Definition
81 comprise kuhmp_rah_iz 1735 Definition
82 demythologize deemitholuhjah_iz 1727 Definition
83 demythologise deemitholuhjah_iz 1727 Definition
84 liberalise libuhruhlah_iz 1726 Definition
85 liberalize libuhruhlah_iz 1726 Definition
86 naturalize naachuhruhlah_iz 1726 Definition
87 patronize paat_ruhnah_iz 1725 Definition
88 realise riuhlah_iz 1725 Definition
89 realize reeuhlah_iz 1725 Definition
90 sentimentalize sentimentuhlah_iz 1725 Definition
91 serialise seeriuhlah_iz 1725 Definition
92 stylised s_tah_iuhlah_iz_d 1725 Definition
93 synchronise singk_ruhnah_iz 1725 Definition
94 synchronize singk_ruhnah_iz 1725 Definition
95 tantalise taantuhlah_iz 1725 Definition
96 trivialise t_riviuhlah_iz 1725 Definition
97 trivialize t_riviuhlah_iz 1725 Definition
98 visualize vizhuuhlah_iz 1725 Definition
99 patronise paat_ruhnah_iz 1725 Definition
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