
Near rhymes with Penates

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 parties parrteez 1920 Definition
2 countries kant_reez 1842 Definition
3 heartsease harr_t_seez 1826 Definition
4 sundries sand_reez 1813 Definition
5 marquise marrkeez 1807 Definition
6 marlies marrleez 1760 Definition
7 zelotes zeluh_uuteez 1759 Definition
8 hafiz harfeez 1758 Definition
9 bodies bodeez 1752 Definition
10 facilities fuhsiliteez 1725 Definition
11 euphrates yuuf_re_iteez 1725 Definition
12 counties kah_uunteez 1725 Definition
13 communities kuhm_yuuniteez 1725 Definition
14 comites komiteez 1725 Definition
15 cities siteez 1725 Definition
16 cervantes suhrvaanteez 1725 Definition
17 certes serrteez 1725 Definition
18 casualties kaazhuuuhlteez 1725 Definition
19 calamities kuhlaamiteez 1725 Definition
20 barytes buhrah_iteez 1725 Definition
21 authorities uhthoriteez 1725 Definition
22 ascites uhsah_iteez 1725 Definition
23 activities aaktiviteez 1725 Definition
24 festivities festiviteez 1725 Definition
25 fomites fomiteez 1725 Definition
26 gentes jenteez 1725 Definition
27 universities yuuniverrsiteez 1725 Definition
28 trees t_reez 1725 Definition
29 titties titeez 1725 Definition
30 testes testeez 1725 Definition
31 striptease s_t_ripteez 1725 Definition
32 socrates sokruhteez 1725 Definition
33 pyrites pah_irah_iteez 1725 Definition
34 probabilities p_robuhbiliteez 1725 Definition
35 hippocrates hipok_ruhteez 1725 Definition
36 nineties nah_inteez 1725 Definition
37 opportunities opuhrt_yuuniteez 1725 Definition
38 orestes oresteez 1725 Definition
39 panties paanteez 1725 Definition
40 priorities p_rah_ioriteez 1725 Definition
41 euripides yuripideez 1716 Definition
42 eumenides yumenideez 1716 Definition
43 ephemerides efuhmerideez 1716 Definition
44 cyclades sikluhdeez 1716 Definition
45 candies kaandeez 1716 Definition
46 bacteroides baaktuhro_ideez 1716 Definition
47 archimedes arrkimeedeez 1716 Definition
48 antipodes aantipuhdeez 1716 Definition
49 andes aandeez 1716 Definition
50 heredes hireedeez 1716 Definition
51 herpes herrpeez 1716 Definition
52 tapies te_ipeez 1716 Definition
53 talipes taalipeez 1716 Definition
54 sophocles sofuhk_leez 1716 Definition
55 pleiades p_lah_iuhdeez 1716 Definition
56 pericles perik_leez 1716 Definition
57 mercedes merrse_ideez 1716 Definition
58 ladies le_ideez 1716 Definition
59 indies indeez 1716 Definition
60 hyades hah_ie_ideez 1716 Definition
61 procrustes p_ruh_uuk_ras_teez 1714 Definition
62 assemblies uhsemb_leez 1705 Definition
63 babies be_ibeez 1705 Definition
64 pubes p_yuubeez 1705 Definition
65 rabies re_ibeez 1705 Definition
66 scabies s_ke_ibeez 1705 Definition
67 tabes te_ibeez 1705 Definition
68 enemies enuhmeez 1704 Definition
69 munchies mancheez 1681 Definition
70 maldive moldeev 1678 Definition
71 stories s_tawreez 1678 Definition
72 artiste arrtees_t 1661 Definition
73 anis arnees 1648 Definition
74 synopses sinopseez 1641 Definition
75 expertise eks_puhrteez 1635 Definition
76 maltese molteez 1635 Definition
77 tease teez 1635 Definition
78 crosspiece k_rospees 1633 Definition
79 codpiece kodpees 1632 Definition
80 diabetes dah_iuhbeetees 1631 Definition
81 appease uhpeez 1626 Definition
82 displease disp_leez 1626 Definition
83 keyes keez 1626 Definition
84 keys keez 1626 Definition
85 pease peez 1626 Definition
86 please p_leez 1626 Definition
87 skis s_keez 1626 Definition
88 squeeze s_k_weez 1626 Definition
89 analyses uhnaaluhseez 1622 Definition
90 headpiece hedpees 1621 Definition
91 increase ink_rees 1621 Definition
92 mantlepiece maantuhlpees 1621 Definition
93 masterpiece maastuhrpees 1621 Definition
94 mouthpiece mah_uuthpees 1621 Definition
95 showpiece shuh_uupees 1621 Definition
96 tailpiece te_ilpees 1621 Definition
97 timepiece tah_impees 1621 Definition
98 workpiece werr_kpees 1621 Definition
99 hairpiece herpees 1621 Definition
What is B-Rhymes?

B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

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