
Near rhymes with Lucid

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 pellucid peluusid 2160 Definition
2 deuced d_yuusid 2112 Definition
3 superfluid suupuhrf_luuid 2025 Definition
4 fluid f_luuid 2025 Definition
5 polluted puhluutid 2015 Definition
6 fluted f_luutid 2015 Definition
7 humid h_yuumid 2008 Definition
8 bovid buh_uuvid 2007 Definition
9 massachusetts maasuhchuusit_s 2003 Definition
10 frosted f_ros_tid 1983 Definition
11 accosted uhkos_tid 1969 Definition
12 fruited f_ruutid 1967 Definition
13 rooted ruutid 1967 Definition
14 involuted invuhluutid 1955 Definition
15 convoluted konvuhluutid 1955 Definition
16 included ink_luudid 1953 Definition
17 putrid p_yuut_rid 1953 Definition
18 reputed rip_yuutid 1953 Definition
19 secluded sik_luudid 1953 Definition
20 prosit p_ruh_uusit 1953 Definition
21 bloated b_luh_uutid 1951 Definition
22 suited suutid 1946 Definition
23 booted buutid 1946 Definition
24 bowsprit buh_uus_p_rit 1932 Definition
25 ovid ovid 1929 Definition
26 exhausted egzaws_tid 1928 Definition
27 closet k_lozit 1921 Definition
28 florid f_lorid 1921 Definition
29 bluetit b_luutit 1921 Definition
30 coated kuh_uutid 1917 Definition
31 atrophied aat_ruhfid 1913 Definition
32 cubit k_yuubit 1913 Definition
33 noted nuh_uutid 1903 Definition
34 acoustics uhkuus_tik_s 1897 Definition
35 acoustic uhkuus_tik 1897 Definition
36 cellulosic selyuhluh_uusik 1895 Definition
37 dogged dogid 1893 Definition
38 cupid k_yuupid 1891 Definition
39 quoted k_wuh_uutid 1888 Definition
40 loaded luh_uudid 1888 Definition
41 substituted sabs_tit_yuutid 1886 Definition
42 reconstituted reekons_tituutid 1886 Definition
43 constituted kons_tit_yuutid 1886 Definition
44 iproniazid ah_ip_ruhnah_iuhzid 1884 Definition
45 isoniazid ah_isuhnah_iuhzid 1884 Definition
46 stupid s_t_yuupid 1884 Definition
47 euclid yuuk_lid 1884 Definition
48 lurid l_yurid 1882 Definition
49 cruet k_ruuit 1882 Definition
50 devoted divuh_uutid 1882 Definition
51 beloved bilavid 1881 Definition
52 music m_yuuzik 1881 Definition
53 prophet p_rofit 1880 Definition
54 nonprofit nonp_rofit 1880 Definition
55 profit p_rofit 1879 Definition
56 posset posit 1874 Definition
57 cosset kosit 1874 Definition
58 hewett h_yuuit 1868 Definition
59 hewitt h_yuuit 1868 Definition
60 parotid puhrotid 1867 Definition
61 knotted notid 1867 Definition
62 dotted dotid 1867 Definition
63 carotid kuhrotid 1867 Definition
64 broomstick b_ruums_tik 1866 Definition
65 intuit int_yuuit 1861 Definition
66 suet suuit 1861 Definition
67 soffit sofit 1859 Definition
68 posit pozit 1858 Definition
69 deposit dipozit 1858 Definition
70 squalid s_k_wolid 1858 Definition
71 horrid horid 1858 Definition
72 forehead forid 1858 Definition
73 troopship t_ruupship 1857 Definition
74 accursed uhkerrsid 1855 Definition
75 cursed kerrsid 1855 Definition
76 fancied faansid 1855 Definition
77 flaccid f_laaksid 1855 Definition
78 interested intuhres_tid 1855 Definition
79 pasted pe_is_tid 1855 Definition
80 rancid raansid 1855 Definition
81 wasted we_is_tid 1855 Definition
82 waisted we_is_tid 1855 Definition
83 uninterested anintuhres_tid 1855 Definition
84 twisted t_wis_tid 1855 Definition
85 tapestried taapis_t_rid 1855 Definition
86 unspotted ans_potid 1853 Definition
87 potted potid 1853 Definition
88 semisolid semisolid 1852 Definition
89 solid solid 1852 Definition
90 stolid s_tolid 1852 Definition
91 torrid torid 1852 Definition
92 decoded deekuh_uudid 1847 Definition
93 bifid bah_ifid 1845 Definition
94 frenzied f_renzid 1845 Definition
95 manfred maanf_rid 1845 Definition
96 wilfred wilf_rid 1845 Definition
97 wilfrid wilf_rid 1845 Definition
98 winifred winif_rid 1845 Definition
99 aphid e_ifid 1845 Definition
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B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

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