
Near rhymes with Laparotomy

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 deuteronomy d_yuutuhronuhmee 1229 Definition
2 thoracotomy thawruhkotuhmee 1223 Definition
3 lobotomy luhbotuhmee 1221 Definition
4 monogamy muhnoguhmee 1212 Definition
5 monotony muhnotuhnee 1209 Definition
6 tracheotomy t_raakiotuhmee 1206 Definition
7 cosmogony kozmoguhnee 1202 Definition
8 mahogany muhhoguhnee 1198 Definition
9 gastrotomy gaas_t_rotuhmee 1192 Definition
10 orogeny orojuhnee 1190 Definition
11 autotomy awtotuhmee 1190 Definition
12 palaeobotany pe_iliuh_uubotuhnee 1186 Definition
13 colostomy kuhlostuhmee 1177 Definition
14 trichotomy t_rikotuhmee 1171 Definition
15 lithotomy lithotuhmee 1171 Definition
16 dichotomy dah_ikotuhmee 1171 Definition
17 radioastronomy re_idi_uh_uuuhs_t_ronuhmee 1170 Definition
18 astronomy uhs_t_ronuhmee 1170 Definition
19 agronomy uhg_ronuhmee 1170 Definition
20 endogamy endoguhmee 1169 Definition
21 vagotomy vaagotuhmee 1169 Definition
22 phlebotomy f_lebotuhmee 1169 Definition
23 episiotomy ipeeziotuhmee 1166 Definition
24 sodomy soduhmee 1166 Definition
25 anisogamy aanah_isoguhmee 1162 Definition
26 exogamy eksoguhmee 1162 Definition
27 appendectomy aapuhndektuhmee 1162 Definition
28 cottony kotuhnee 1162 Definition
29 botany botuhnee 1160 Definition
30 cacophony kuhkofuhnee 1157 Definition
31 neoteny neeotuhnee 1157 Definition
32 naturopathy naachuhropuhthee 1156 Definition
33 ontogeny ontojuhnee 1152 Definition
34 theogony thioguhnee 1150 Definition
35 hepatectomy hepuhtektuhmee 1149 Definition
36 physiognomy fiziognuhmee 1145 Definition
37 epeirogeny epah_irojuhnee 1143 Definition
38 progeny p_rojuhnee 1143 Definition
39 tracheostomy t_raakiostuhmee 1142 Definition
40 monophony muhnofuhnee 1140 Definition
41 heterodoxy hetuhruhdoksee 1138 Definition
42 polygamy puhliguhmee 1134 Definition
43 homophony huhmofuhnee 1133 Definition
44 gastrostomy gaas_t_rostuhmee 1129 Definition
45 phylogeny fah_ilojuhnee 1127 Definition
46 enterectomy entuhrektuhmee 1124 Definition
47 gluttony g_latuhnee 1124 Definition
48 gastronomy gaas_t_ronuhmee 1123 Definition
49 exploratory eks_p_loruhtuhree 1123 Definition
50 melpomene melpomuhnee 1122 Definition
51 autonomy awtonuhmee 1121 Definition
52 misogyny mah_isojuhnee 1120 Definition
53 twopenny tapuhnee 1113 Definition
54 accompany uhkampuhnee 1111 Definition
55 ileostomy iliostuhmee 1103 Definition
56 economy ikonuhmee 1102 Definition
57 ceremony seruhmuhnee 1102 Definition
58 taxonomy taaksonuhmee 1100 Definition
59 ptolemy toluhmee 1100 Definition
60 bonhomie bonomee 1100 Definition
61 hysterectomy histuhrektuhmee 1100 Definition
62 encephalopathy ensefuhlopuhthee 1099 Definition
63 colony koluhnee 1093 Definition
64 polygyny puhlijuhnee 1092 Definition
65 colectomy kuhlektuhmee 1084 Definition
66 oratory oruhtuhree 1080 Definition
67 brittany b_rituhnee 1080 Definition
68 gerontocracy jeruhntokruhsee 1080 Definition
69 prostatectomy p_rostuhtektuhmee 1077 Definition
70 albany olbuhnee 1073 Definition
71 epitome epituhmee 1071 Definition
72 academy uhkaaduhmee 1070 Definition
73 anatomy uhnaatuhmee 1070 Definition
74 anomie aanuhmee 1070 Definition
75 antinomy aantinuhmee 1070 Definition
76 bellamy beluhmee 1070 Definition
77 bigamy biguhmee 1070 Definition
78 bosomy buzuhmee 1070 Definition
79 enemy enuhmee 1070 Definition
80 sesame sezuhmee 1070 Definition
81 neuroanatomy n_yuruh_uuhnaatuhmee 1070 Definition
82 naomi ne_iuhmee 1070 Definition
83 jeremy jeruhmee 1070 Definition
84 gourami guruhmee 1070 Definition
85 litany lituhnee 1066 Definition
86 dittany dituhnee 1066 Definition
87 lobectomy lobektuhmee 1064 Definition
88 company kampuhnee 1064 Definition
89 polyphony polifuhnee 1062 Definition
90 regulatory regyuhluhtuhree 1062 Definition
91 stefanie s_tefuhnee 1060 Definition
92 stephanie s_tefuhnee 1060 Definition
93 tammany taamuhnee 1060 Definition
94 telephony tuhlefuhnee 1060 Definition
95 testimony testimuhnee 1060 Definition
96 tiffany tifuhnee 1060 Definition
97 tyranny tiruhnee 1060 Definition
98 villainy viluhnee 1060 Definition
99 simony sah_imuhnee 1060 Definition
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