
Near rhymes with Immigrant

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 indifferent indifuhruhn_t 3547 Definition
2 impudent imp_yuhduhn_t 3526 Definition
3 impotent impuhtuhn_t 3515 Definition
4 celebrant seluhb_ruhn_t 3488 Definition
5 restaurant restuhruhn_t 3478 Definition
6 immanent imuhnuhn_t 3476 Definition
7 imminent imuhnuhn_t 3476 Definition
8 discriminant dis_k_rimuhnuhn_t 3471 Definition
9 grandiloquent g_raandiluhk_wuhn_t 3467 Definition
10 insolent insuhluhn_t 3458 Definition
11 indolent induhluhn_t 3458 Definition
12 stimulant s_timyuhluhn_t 3456 Definition
13 omnipotent omnipuhtuhn_t 3456 Definition
14 innocent inuhsuhn_t 3431 Definition
15 equivalent ik_wivuhluhn_t 3423 Definition
16 dissonant disuhnuhn_t 3421 Definition
17 arrogant aaruhguhn_t 3417 Definition
18 elegant eluhguhn_t 3417 Definition
19 extravagant iks_t_raavuhguhn_t 3417 Definition
20 inelegant ineluhguhn_t 3417 Definition
21 inconstant inkons_tuhn_t 3417 Definition
22 decadent dekuhduhn_t 3413 Definition
23 eloquent eluhk_wuhn_t 3408 Definition
24 itinerant ah_itinuhruhn_t 3406 Definition
25 quadrant k_wodruhn_t 3398 Definition
26 adjutant aajuhtuhn_t 3397 Definition
27 instrument ins_t_ruhmuhn_t 3396 Definition
28 correspondent koris_ponduhn_t 3396 Definition
29 respondent ris_ponduhn_t 3391 Definition
30 despondent dis_ponduhn_t 3391 Definition
31 virulent viryuhluhn_t 3387 Definition
32 executant egzekyuhtuhn_t 3387 Definition
33 occupant okyuhpuhn_t 3382 Definition
34 ambulant aamb_yuhluhn_t 3370 Definition
35 predicament p_ridikuhmuhn_t 3359 Definition
36 somnolent somnuhluhn_t 3356 Definition
37 nonchalant nonshuhluhn_t 3352 Definition
38 consonant konsuhnuhn_t 3352 Definition
39 benevolent binevuhluhn_t 3350 Definition
40 malevolent muhlevuhluhn_t 3350 Definition
41 prevalent p_revuhluhn_t 3350 Definition
42 revenant revuhnuhn_t 3350 Definition
43 violent vah_iuhluhn_t 3349 Definition
44 petulant pechuhluhn_t 3348 Definition
45 equipotent ek_wipuh_uutuhn_t 3344 Definition
46 hereditament heredituhmuhn_t 3344 Definition
47 vehement viuhmuhn_t 3344 Definition
48 covenant kavuhnuhn_t 3343 Definition
49 flagellant f_laajuhluhn_t 3343 Definition
50 flatulent f_laachuhluhn_t 3343 Definition
51 fraudulent f_rawjuhluhn_t 3343 Definition
52 redolent reduhluhn_t 3343 Definition
53 resonant rezuhnuhn_t 3343 Definition
54 important impawrtuhn_t 3341 Definition
55 imprudent imp_ruuduhn_t 3341 Definition
56 belligerent buhlijuhruhn_t 3340 Definition
57 filament filuhmuhn_t 3340 Definition
58 ligament liguhmuhn_t 3340 Definition
59 monofilament monuh_uufiluhmuhn_t 3340 Definition
60 excellent eksuhluhn_t 3338 Definition
61 purulent p_yuryuhluhn_t 3337 Definition
62 recusant rekyuhzuhn_t 3333 Definition
63 tenement tenuhmuhn_t 3333 Definition
64 emigrant emig_ruhn_t 3332 Definition
65 entrant ent_ruhn_t 3332 Definition
66 flagrant f_le_ig_ruhn_t 3332 Definition
67 fragrant f_re_ig_ruhn_t 3332 Definition
68 hydrant hah_id_ruhn_t 3332 Definition
69 migrant mah_ig_ruhn_t 3332 Definition
70 penetrant penit_ruhn_t 3332 Definition
71 recalcitrant rikaalsit_ruhn_t 3332 Definition
72 reentrant rient_ruhn_t 3332 Definition
73 registrant rejis_t_ruhn_t 3332 Definition
74 tarrant taaruhn_t 3332 Definition
75 transparent t_raan_spaaruhn_t 3332 Definition
76 tyrant tah_iruhn_t 3332 Definition
77 vagrant ve_ig_ruhn_t 3332 Definition
78 vibrant vah_ib_ruhn_t 3332 Definition
79 ignorant ignuhruhn_t 3330 Definition
80 anticoagulant aantikuh_uuaagyuhluhn_t 3328 Definition
81 appurtenant uhperrtuhnuhn_t 3328 Definition
82 corpulent kawrp_yuhluhn_t 3328 Definition
83 flocculent f_lokyuhluhn_t 3328 Definition
84 impermanent imperrmuhnuhn_t 3328 Definition
85 impertinent imperrtuhnuhn_t 3328 Definition
86 opulent opyuhluhn_t 3328 Definition
87 permanent perrmuhnuhn_t 3328 Definition
88 postulant post_yuhluhn_t 3328 Definition
89 semipermanent semiperrmuhnuhn_t 3328 Definition
90 truculent t_rakyuhluhn_t 3328 Definition
91 turbulent terrb_yuhluhn_t 3328 Definition
92 undulant and_yuhluhn_t 3328 Definition
93 emblements emb_luhmuhn_t_s 3326 Definition
94 stuyvesant s_tah_ivuhsuhn_t 3324 Definition
95 temperament temp_ruhmuhn_t 3321 Definition
96 fondant fonduhn_t 3318 Definition
97 embrittlement emb_rituhlmuhn_t 3314 Definition
98 constant kons_tuhn_t 3307 Definition
99 elephant eluhfuhn_t 3301 Definition
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