
Near rhymes with Faraday

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 paraguay paaruhg_we_ee 1080 Definition
2 lackaday laakuhde_ee 1033 Definition
3 workaday werr_kuhde_ee 1006 Definition
4 vertebrae verrtuhb_re_ee 1004 Definition
5 saturday saatuhrde_ee 990 Definition
6 societe soseeuhte_ee 943 Definition
7 uruguay yuuruhg_we_ee 943 Definition
8 yesterday yestuhrde_ee 940 Definition
9 photoplay fuh_uutuhp_le_ee 932 Definition
10 doubleday dabuhlde_ee 907 Definition
11 thackeray thaakuhre_ee 897 Definition
12 caraway kaaruhwe_ee 875 Definition
13 interplay intuhrp_le_ee 872 Definition
14 thursday thuhr_zde_ee 862 Definition
15 osprey osp_re_ee 857 Definition
16 astray uhs_t_re_ee 853 Definition
17 disobey disuhbe_ee 853 Definition
18 franglais f_rong_le_ee 853 Definition
19 naivete nareevuhte_ee 853 Definition
20 chevrolet shevruhle_ee 849 Definition
21 quixote keehuh_uute_ee 848 Definition
22 today tuhde_ee 847 Definition
23 galloway gaaluhwe_ee 840 Definition
24 moray more_ee 839 Definition
25 netsuke netsuuke_ee 836 Definition
26 hathaway haathuhwe_ee 835 Definition
27 gautier guh_uut_ye_ee 833 Definition
28 mccrea muhk_re_ee 827 Definition
29 serape serarpe_ee 824 Definition
30 croquet k_ruh_uuke_ee 822 Definition
31 parody paaruhdee 813 Definition
32 frottole f_rotole_ee 807 Definition
33 overplay uh_uuvuhrp_le_ee 797 Definition
34 carroty kaaruhtee 797 Definition
35 holiday holide_ee 796 Definition
36 heyday he_ide_ee 796 Definition
37 friday f_rah_ide_ee 796 Definition
38 fide fah_ide_ee 796 Definition
39 everyday evride_ee 796 Definition
40 doomsday duum_zde_ee 796 Definition
41 domesday duum_zde_ee 796 Definition
42 birthday berr_thde_ee 796 Definition
43 andrei arnd_re_ee 796 Definition
44 andre arnd_re_ee 796 Definition
45 midday midde_ee 796 Definition
46 monday mande_ee 796 Definition
47 workday werr_kde_ee 796 Definition
48 weekday weekde_ee 796 Definition
49 wednesday wen_zde_ee 796 Definition
50 vade varde_ee 796 Definition
51 tuesday t_yuuzde_ee 796 Definition
52 sunday sande_ee 796 Definition
53 someday samde_ee 796 Definition
54 payday pe_ide_ee 796 Definition
55 padre pard_re_ee 796 Definition
56 noonday nuunde_ee 796 Definition
57 getaway getuhwe_ee 793 Definition
58 bombay bombe_ee 793 Definition
59 monterey montuhre_ee 792 Definition
60 hogmanay hogmuhne_ee 792 Definition
61 pianoforte peeaanuh_uufawrte_ee 789 Definition
62 rosebay ruh_uuzbe_ee 788 Definition
63 obey uh_uube_ee 788 Definition
64 nosegay nuh_uuzge_ee 788 Definition
65 dengue dengge_ee 786 Definition
66 chambray shaamb_re_ee 786 Definition
67 bey be_ee 786 Definition
68 backstay baaks_te_ee 786 Definition
69 ashtray aasht_re_ee 786 Definition
70 forestay fawrs_te_ee 786 Definition
71 forte fawrte_ee 786 Definition
72 parte parrte_ee 786 Definition
73 margay marrge_ee 786 Definition
74 mainstay me_ins_te_ee 786 Definition
75 leste leste_ee 786 Definition
76 headstay heds_te_ee 786 Definition
77 underplay anduhrp_le_ee 782 Definition
78 chemotherapy kemuhtheruhpee 782 Definition
79 hydrotherapy hah_id_ruhtheruhpee 782 Definition
80 hypnotherapy hipnuh_uutheruhpee 782 Definition
81 physiotherapy fiziuh_uutheruhpee 782 Definition
82 psychotherapy sah_ikuh_uutheruhpee 782 Definition
83 radiotherapy re_idiuh_uutheruhpee 782 Definition
84 therapy theruhpee 782 Definition
85 ok uh_uuke_ee 777 Definition
86 okay uh_uuke_ee 777 Definition
87 applique aap_like_ee 776 Definition
88 barclay bark_le_ee 776 Definition
89 communique kuhm_yuunike_ee 776 Definition
90 foreplay fawrp_le_ee 776 Definition
91 horseplay hawr_sp_le_ee 776 Definition
92 replay reep_le_ee 776 Definition
93 screenplay s_k_reenp_le_ee 776 Definition
94 sobriquet suh_uub_rike_ee 776 Definition
95 soubriquet suub_rike_ee 776 Definition
96 swordplay sawr_dp_le_ee 776 Definition
97 teleplay telip_le_ee 776 Definition
98 wordplay werr_dp_le_ee 776 Definition
99 agape argarpe_ee 776 Definition
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B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

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