Near rhymes with Cristobal

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 cabal kuhbaal 2724 Definition
2 christabel k_ristuhbel 2715 Definition
3 chagall shuhgaal 2649 Definition
4 isobel izuhbel 2631 Definition
5 isabelle izuhbel 2631 Definition
6 isabel izuhbel 2631 Definition
7 bal baal 2621 Definition
8 lyrical lirikaal 2601 Definition
9 rivendell rivuhndel 2599 Definition
10 buchenwald bukuhnvaal_d 2578 Definition
11 locale luh_uukaal 2573 Definition
12 mirabel miruhbel 2570 Definition
13 catafalque kaatuhfaal_k 2555 Definition
14 amabel aamuhbel 2541 Definition
15 pastorale paastuhraal 2535 Definition
16 mehetabel mehetuhbel 2526 Definition
17 anabelle aanuhbel 2526 Definition
18 palp paal_p 2522 Definition
19 pal paal 2522 Definition
20 gal gaal 2522 Definition
21 asphodel aasfuhdel 2519 Definition
22 canal kuhnaal 2517 Definition
23 canals kuhnaal_z 2517 Definition
24 corral kuhraal 2517 Definition
25 cal kaal 2511 Definition
26 calque kaal_k 2511 Definition
27 cristal k_ristaal 2511 Definition
28 mescal mes_kaal 2511 Definition
29 musicale m_yuuzikaal 2511 Definition
30 pascal paaskaal 2511 Definition
31 scalp s_kaal_p 2511 Definition
32 talc taal_k 2511 Definition
33 cordell kordel 2493 Definition
34 rationale raashuhnaal 2485 Definition
35 morale muhraal 2480 Definition
36 propel p_ruhpel 2478 Definition
37 cadell kuhdel 2478 Definition
38 bivalve bah_ivaal_v 2477 Definition
39 arundel aaruhndel 2472 Definition
40 muscatel maskuhtel 2468 Definition
41 duvall duuvaal 2450 Definition
42 riopelle riuh_uupel 2443 Definition
43 compel kuhmpel 2433 Definition
44 appel uhpel 2427 Definition
45 adele uhdel 2427 Definition
46 philomel filuhmel 2425 Definition
47 doorbell dawrbel 2424 Definition
48 tortoiseshell tortuhsshel 2424 Definition
49 hal haal 2419 Definition
50 sal saal 2419 Definition
51 salle saal 2419 Definition
52 salve saal_v 2419 Definition
53 shall shaal 2419 Definition
54 shalt shaal_t 2419 Definition
55 bagatelle baaguhtel 2416 Definition
56 bluebell b_luubel 2415 Definition
57 lapel luhpel 2412 Definition
58 roosevelt ruh_uuzuhvel_t 2411 Definition
59 photocell fuh_uutuh_uusel 2404 Definition
60 camberwell kaambuhrwel 2390 Definition
61 clientele k_lah_iuhntel 2388 Definition
62 bombshell bomshel 2387 Definition
63 val vaal 2387 Definition
64 valse vaal_s 2387 Definition
65 valve vaal_v 2387 Definition
66 barbell barrbel 2385 Definition
67 bel bel 2385 Definition
68 belch bel_ch 2385 Definition
69 bell bel 2385 Definition
70 belle bel 2385 Definition
71 claribel k_laaribel 2385 Definition
72 decibel desibel 2385 Definition
73 dumbbell dambel 2385 Definition
74 harebell herbel 2385 Definition
75 caravel kaaruhvel 2382 Definition
76 bardell barrdel 2376 Definition
77 alp aal_p 2374 Definition
78 alf aal_f 2374 Definition
79 alb aal_b 2374 Definition
80 al aal 2374 Definition
81 mangonel maangguhnel 2367 Definition
82 motel muh_uutel 2367 Definition
83 pipistrelle pipis_t_rel 2365 Definition
84 pastel paastel 2365 Definition
85 odell uh_uudel 2362 Definition
86 nobel nuh_ubel 2338 Definition
87 hotel huh_uutel 2337 Definition
88 commonwealth komuhnwel_th 2337 Definition
89 undersell anduhrsel 2331 Definition
90 purcell puhrsel 2331 Definition
91 cornell kornel 2326 Definition
92 carousel kaaruhsel 2324 Definition
93 lall laal 2324 Definition
94 ralf raal_f 2324 Definition
95 ralph raal_f 2324 Definition
96 yall yaal 2324 Definition
97 unparalleled anpaaruhlel_d 2319 Definition
98 parallel paaruhlel 2319 Definition
99 antiparallel aantipaaruhlel 2319 Definition
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B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

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