iPhone app working

Hey, the iPhone app is 100% working again. Go update if you’re still having problems.

Sorry I took so long. Initially I thought I’d fixed it but it turned out to be something else, a real iOS gotcha involving looking up words in the background while you type in the box. But it’s all good now. Keep rhyming.

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iOS app currently broken in iOS 6

iOS 6 came out yesterday. Thanks to everyone who reported it to me! I’ll find some time this weekend to take a look at it.

This is the price of being an early adopter :P . Also maps.

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Visualizing Top B-Rhymes

At my friend Momoko’s suggestion, here’s a Wordle diagram of the top rhymed words in B-Rhymes from June and July this year. It seems to have stripped out some more common words like ‘me’ and ‘you’. Anyway click to bigify.

Link to it on wordle

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App Comments

Wow, B-Rhymes Pro just received the best app store comment ever:

I needed this thing to write a heart breaking poem and man did it deliver! This app is great! Talk about doing what it says! It brings up words I didn’t even know I knew! Excellent app. 5 stars.

- T Head

Thanks a lot “T Head”! I am really happy people are getting such use out of it. I’d love to see what these poems and lyrics are like. If anyone has any lyrics or poetry they’ve written with the help of B-Rhymes, I encourage you to send me some.

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Rhymes update. Over 300 new words.

New words! Including Nintendo, Adidas, diabolical,ganja, hiphop, Rambo, xbox and more.

Corresponding app updates coming soon.

I should note that all these words are ones that people tried to rhyme, but couldn’t find.

Full list:

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B-Rhymes App Review

Check out this nice little review on Palm Sounds:


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Added Rhyme Index

I added some pages that are basically a list of all the words in B-Rhymes:
B-Rhymes Rhyme Index

This is supposed to help me with Google, but you might find it interesting too.

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B-Rhymes iPhone and Android Apps Updated

In the past 2 weeks, I’ve updated both the Android and iPhone (both free and pro) B-Rhymes apps. Lots of improvements in both so check them out in the Android App Market and iTunes App Store respectively.

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Top Commonly Rhymed Words on B-Rhymes

Just for interest, here’s the top 200 or so words that people have been trying to rhyme with B-Rhymes. This includes people on this web site as well as on both the iPhone app and Android app. Maybe there’s some simple human truth hidden in here:

  1. orange – Pumped up by this StumbleUpon link
  2. ermines – Also pumped up by a StumbleUpon link
  3. me – ↴
  4. love – ↴
  5. you – How simple is that. The essence of poetry.
  6. world – Linked from the front page as an example
  7. time
  8. life
  9. it
  10. s
  11. up
  12. a
  13. shit – ↴
  14. bitch – ↴
  15. out – ↴
  16. money – I don’t need your “shit bitch out money!!” – Some real hard rappers here.
  17. heart
  18. down
  19. back
  20. fuck – “fuck” loses to “shit” (#13).
  21. day
  22. girl – “Bitch” is higher than “girl”, hmmm…
  23. dream
  24. go
  25. b
  26. word
  27. mind
  28. be
  29. do
  30. night
  31. again
  32. m
  33. c – What’s with all the single letters?
  34. way
  35. game
  36. smile
  37. this
  38. see
  39. one
  40. on
  41. man
  42. p
  43. in
  44. face
  45. now
  46. t
  47. hard
  48. star
  49. know
  50. away
  51. good
  52. crazy
  53. pain
  54. eyes – Just to confirm that it does really rhyme with “lies”…
  55. home
  56. thing
  57. f
  58. better
  59. right
  60. hand
  61. d
  62. gone
  63. flow
  64. best
  65. head
  66. purple
  67. change
  68. over
  69. more
  70. that
  71. say
  72. real
  73. friend
  74. rhyme
  75. off
  76. e
  77. light
  78. w
  79. l
  80. here
  81. pussy
  82. alone
  83. o
  84. car
  85. h
  86. baby
  87. her
  88. end
  89. g
  90. all
  91. cat
  92. wrong
  93. soul
  94. r
  95. fire
  96. us
  97. mine
  98. beat
  99. high
  100. fall
  101. work
  102. dog
  103. hate
  104. fly
  105. dick – “Pussy” beats “dick” by wide margin.
  106. side
  107. about
  108. house
  109. stop
  110. line
  111. i
  112. around
  113. forever
  114. kid
  115. feel
  116. sex
  117. boy
  118. beautiful
  119. ass
  120. great
  121. rap
  122. sky
  123. need
  124. future
  125. fear
  126. place
  127. self
  128. hello
  129. name
  130. want
  131. cold
  132. care
  133. truth
  134. chance
  135. them
  136. nothing
  137. start
  138. free
  139. people
  140. together
  141. hurt
  142. tree
  143. true
  144. there
  145. reason
  146. happy
  147. listen
  148. cool
  149. music
  150. god
  151. weed
  152. paper
  153. rain
  154. play
  155. nigger
  156. to
  157. level
  158. thought
  159. monster
  160. long
  161. body
  162. problem
  163. for
  164. believe
  165. song
  166. reality
  167. lost
  168. enough
  169. feeling
  170. easy
  171. nigga – It’s not in the dictionary because it’s not spelled right (see above, #155). I should make it redirect ;) .
  172. happen
  173. heaven
  174. can
  175. book
  176. ball
  177. done
  178. amazing
  179. door
  180. hell
  181. city
  182. top
  183. understand
  184. myself
  185. style
  186. bad
  187. power
  188. fight
  189. black
  190. n
  191. lie
  192. is
  193. die
  194. stand
  195. show
  196. sick
  197. look
  198. test
  199. fun
  200. friends
  201. perfect
  202. far
  203. have
  204. same
  205. mean
  206. hater – Yes, I did extend the list just to get to ‘hater’. Haha.
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Rhyme Words Update

Added about 400 new words to B-Rhymes slant rhyme dictionary, mostly based on what people are putting into B-Rhymes and not finding. In addition to a lot of past tense and -ing verbs I added a names of people, places and things, including but limited to:
barack, obama, bacardi, beckham, dianetics, eminem, facebook, ferrari, lakers, lamborghini, lebron, nasdaq, rolex, twitter and wutang.

Also added some culture words like:
bboy, beatbox and parkour,

These are all things that people have tried to rhyme with B-Rhymes. What else should I add?

In other news, the B-Rhymes android app is up to 26,500 downloads! And iPhone and iPod Touch users are are really appreciating the fast offline access in the B-Rhymes Pro iPhone app.

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What is B-Rhymes?

B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

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